It's the first item I make when preparing a meal for my family and guests, and my mainstay for picnics and 'potlucks'.
For me, a 'basic' salad includes romaine lettuce, spinach, shredded carrots, diced tomatoes, peppers, & cucumbers.
I really love tabouli salad, and lately I've been making it 'bulghar free' by just mixing diced tomatoes, peppers, & cucumbers with finely chopped parsley, mint, lettuce & spinach (use the 'S' blade on your food processor to chop all the greens quickly and effortlessly) and then mix with olive oil and lemon/lime juice, a little sea salt & pepper, (garlic & onions optional). It is SO delicious and you can eat as much as you want!
Making a salad can bring out the 'artist' in anyone - you can be creative, spontaneous, experiment with color & texture, and 'throw' in whatever strikes you, and slice, dice, chop, shred, mince...
I find it relaxing, almost meditative, and really enjoy the process...listening to good music is a plus, and finding 'helpers' make things go quicker...I especially love working with my girls - Annette & Bettina - they are a great help all around, and have become experts in dicing...we have fun and a lot of love goes into everything we make.
There are so many options for 'adorning' a salad...alfalfa and bean sprouts are refreshing, sprouted lentils are delicious and crunchy, as are fresh corn kernels, fresh peas and chopped nuts...go 'crazy' by adding shredded coconut, chopped apples, jicima, tiny pieces of fresh pineapple, green or black olives, mushrooms, sunflower seeds, chick peas, avocado, tofu, raisins, (soak your raisins in water for 10 minutes to be plump)...the list goes on and on.
Any lightly steamed vegetable goes well in a salad, like broccoli & cauliflower florets, string beans, beets, zucchini...
'Dressing' a salad is most important...I usually use a blender and start with extra virgin olive oil and lemon or lime juice...most of the time I don't follow a particular recipe.

Extra virgin olive oil
Juice from a lemon/lime
Bragg liquid aminos http://www.bragg.com/ or soy sauce
Agave or honey
Fresh garlic
Black pepper
Sea salt
Onion powder
Cayenne powder
Curry powder
Ginger powder or fresh
Dijon mustard
Tahini (sesame paste)
- Homemade dressings last for at least 3 days and are so much healthier, tastier and cheaper than store-bought, and they don't include MSG and other ingredients we should stay away from.
- Soaked raw cashews or silky tofu mixed in with any of these ingredients gives it thickness and a ranch-like taste, especially with onion or onion powder.
- Check on line for recipes for dressings with your favorite ingredients, there are 1000's!