Monday, July 8, 2019

Ice Cream That Loves You Back!

If you are addicted to Ben & Jerry's or Haggen Daz, here's an alternative that you will be SO thankful for, for so many reasons...

Within minutes of putting a mixture of chopped frozen bananas, walnuts and a few drops of vanilla into the food processor, this mixture of ingredients magically becomes a delicious, thick, 'scoopable' store-bought-tasting ice cream treat! Tastes like vanilla-nut flavor... 

You can add any fruit or flavoring you like, including peanut butter (delicious with bananas) carob, and coconut. 

The great thing is bananas and walnuts are available all year round and are super affordable! And a small bottle of vanilla lasts forever!

A few extra perks:

  • Rich in vitamin B6 and vitamin C. 
  • Excellent source of fiber, magnesium and potassium.
  • No fat, no sodium, no cholesterol.
  • Contains three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose - giving an instant and substantial boost of energy and a perfect substitute for sweets. 
  • Excellent baby food.

You can eat this ice cream in a cone, cup or bowl. You can even make an ice cream pie with a base of crushed nuts, raisins and dates, the sky's the limit...

I hope you will experiment and perfect your own recipes, and that you comment and let me know about your experience.

Just remember, the ice cream tastes best fresh, right after you make it...


1 comment:

Unknown said...

What are the measurements?